How fit are you?
Fitness Assessment
Fitness assessments are a series of tests that measures and monitors your physical fitness level. The series of tests assess the five components of physical fitness that make up total fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. These assessments can help determine your overall health and wellness, and can identify any underlying health conditions. I'm focused on delivering the best possible training experience, and fitness training assessments are a core part of it. I'm keen to share what I know, because the only way I grow is by helping my clients to grow. So let’s explore how a quick fitness analysis can help you become the healthiest and fittest version of yourself!

Why fitness Assessement?
Imagine getting a car anal before a for cross-country trip. It would give you a peace of mind knowing that you have decreased your probility of a potential breakdown on your journey. Think of getting a turn-up as a fitness assesment. Before you start on your fitness journey a fitness assesement necessary to identify dysfunctions in your movement system. Human movement is reciprocal in nature: Opposing muscle groups must coordinate for proper movement. Muscle length and strength between opposing muscle groups need to be in balance for normal movement and function. Everything in your body is connected, so something that impacts one part of your body affects — in either a major or minor way — everything else. I will exam the 5 kinetic checkpoints to identify any movement defunctions. My first step in fixing a muscle imbalance is identification. Muscle imbalances can lead to physical issues and can also result in instability. This can lead to an increased risk of injury. Understanding the results of the assessment will deterime what dimensions matter and identify areas to focus on for improvement. This will help me get the right infomation I need to deliver personalized coaching and customized training. Fitness assessement is an effective strategy to monitor and assess your fitness levels. It can also help me understand how healthy you are by learning about the five components of fitness and how to set goals to improve your health-related fitness.

Muscular strength

cardiovascular endurance

Muscular endurance


Body composition
Now What?
As your posture changes with every activity you perform in life, it is important that we evaluate your ability to handle the stresses placed on your kinetic chain. This assessment helps to evaluate your dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control. You might have some idea of how fit you are. But knowing for sure can help you set good fitness goals, see your progress and stay motivated. Once you know your starting point, We can plan where you want to go.

Get Started!
Fitness assesments are benefitical to help understand what types of exercise are most safe and most effective to help measure your fitness progress overtime.